Cherish Aust Pty Ltd Cherish Aust Pty Ltd

My Magic Mud Whitening Charcoal Toothpaste

Hilarious demonstration by our resident beauty expert, Chrys, of My Magic Mud's Whitening Charcoal Toothpaste!

Hilarious demonstration by our resident beauty expert, Chrys, of My Magic Mud's Whitening Charcoal Toothpaste! The activated charcoal, fluoride-free toothpaste is made with coconut oil and bentonite clay - cleans, polishes, whitens and detoxes your teeth. Perfect for sensitive teeth and gums. Great way to have fun while brushing your teeth, particularly for young ones who find it difficult to brush consistently. 

- no foaming agents
- no GMO
- no glycerin
- no toxic ingredients
- no fluoride
- no triclosan
- no cruelty
- no gluten

$19.95 at Cherish Gifts & Homewares, come in and buy a tube today!

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